Nearest airports to the town of Trilokpur is Chandigarh & Dehradun which is connected to every major city of india. From Chandigarh Airport, the temple is situated approximately 75 km away, requiring around a 1.5 hour drive to reach. Regualr taxis ply between these two airports providing easy means of commute for domestic as well as international travellers visiting the shrine.
Trilokpur can also be accessed by train.Nearest maijor railway station is Ambala located at a distance of 68 kms from Nahan which is well connected to all major cities in India. Also, Some tourists prefer to travel by train to Yamunanagar which is 48 km approx. & then onwards to Nahan by road. Chandigarh railway station is also a good option to reach Nahan which is 78 km away. From these railway stations, one can hire a taxi or board a bus to reach the temple.
Trilokpur is also well-connected to the rest of India via road. National Highway No. 7 passes through Trilokpur, and there are regular bus services from all major cities nearby. Nearest town is Kala Amb situated just 6 Km away from temple. District Headquarter Nahan is situated at a distance of 16 Km. Distance of other important cities are Yamunanagar 48 Km, Ambala 68 Km & Chandigarh 78 Km. Both standard and deluxe buses operated by various State Road Transport Corporations and private operators.