Trilokpur (त्रिलोकपुर) is a Hindu devi temple site in Himachal Pradesh, India. It is located on an hillock about 24 km south-west of Nahan at an elevation of about 430 m. The temple is an amalgam of Indo-Persian styles of architecture.
TrilokPur derives its name from the three sacred Shakti temples in the region, each representing a unique aspect of Goddess Durga. The main temple, dedicated to Bhagwati Tripur Mahamaya Bala Sundari, honors Durga in her childhood form. About 3 km away lies the temple of Bhagwati Lalita Devi, and the third temple is located 13 km northwest of Bala Sundari. Together, these temples form a spiritual triangle, symbolizing the divine power of the Goddess.